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Kulttuurikierros Kokkolassa - teatteria, tonttuja ja antiikkia

Cultural day – theatre, fairies and antiquity

Our day trip begins with a guided tour of Kokkola, during which you will hear interesting stories about the 400-year-old charming coastal town. After the tour, we head out to Villa Elba, where we enjoy a buffet lunch by the sea. After lunch, we get to see a play by the Kokkola City Theatre.

At the end of the afternoon, we drive south on the Archipelago road to Tyynelän Tonttula in the municipality of Luoto. In addition to the captivating elf-figures, Tonttula’s beautiful courtyard from the 18th century is decorated with different themes. Tonttula offers coffee and pastries, followed by a guided tour.

Duration: about 7 hours
Availability:  1 September – 31 May
Price from: 84 € / person (for a group of 20 people)
For an additional fee: e.g. overnight stay in Kokkola, dinner

Transport by the group’s private bus.
